
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2017

Why did I choose my career?

Hello Everybody! It is difficult to decide what proffesion you want to for all life. When I was a little girl, 6-7 years more or less, I dreamed to be a vet, because I loved very much the animals. Them when I started the high school, I started to interest me in medical career, but I dont like the science matter, only the biology, for this when I applyied to university I put as firts option psychology, because wanted to know the functioning of the mind, and why the people go behave in a certain way. I after that I put sociology, and bachillerato in different universities. Finally I decided to study Psychology in University of Chile, until now I haved an amazing experience, the ambient is great, I have a good classmates and the teachers are very understanding and experts in their subjects. When I finish my career I have different places to work, I could work in school, clinical, business, foundation, etc. But I like the clinical area, and work with adults or adolescent, becaus

About Me

Hello Everyone! Now I'm gonna to tell you about me. My name is Judith Alvarado Castillo. I'm born in Copiapó, one city in the north of Chile, I studied in The Palomar School until the seven grades and when I was 11 years old with my family we moved to Coquimbo, because my older sister joined to the University Catholic Of  North in the medicine career, and with my parents decided to go along with her. The first years were very difficult, because I not adapted to my new school, the called Cardenal José María Caro School, it was a Catholic school, but I not catholic person, and never liked it. When I started my secundary, I changed to school, and started in Liceo de Administración y Comerio Estado de Israel, this is a technical high school, I chose it because I didn’t know if I could go to university. In this place I met my best friends and had a great time. In Coquimbo there is more Culture than in Copiapó, for this I started going to cinema, opera, classical concert, museu